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Chang Gung University

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology



生理暨藥理學科   癌細胞研究室

第一醫學大樓 5樓 A區

Research Interests

-  Investigate the mechanisms of multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy.

-  Investigate the role of ABC drug transporters in multidrug-resistant cancer cells.

 - Development of a high-throughput drug screening platform for inhibitors of ABC drug transporters.

- Development of novel and multifunctional anticancer drugs.

- Development of modulators of multidrug resistance based on Chinese herbal medicines and synthetic chemicals.

- Investigate the relationship between tumor microenvironment and resistance of human tumors to anticancer drugs.


- 探討轉移性癌細胞所擁有的抗藥機制。

- 探討轉移性癌細胞內 ABC transporters 的調控。

- 開發藥物篩選平台。

- 研發新型,多功能性抗癌藥物。

- 以中草藥與合成化學物為基準來發展新類型抑制劑。

- 探討腫瘤微環境與藥物運輸策略。

Our Team
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PhD Student (博士班研究生):


MSc Student (碩士班研究生):


Research Assistants (碩士級助理): 
張佑慈; 林秉寰

Former Members (過去實驗室成員):  

Postgraduate Students:

蕭淞瀚; 鄭幸文; 羅仕瑜; 脫惟程; 蘇靖雅;

姜政廷; 林明露; 周安威; 蘇琮堯; 呂明潔;

劉得群; 孫瑀霜; 張晏輔; 王俊程; 曾品榕;

余依柔; 紀雅禎; 林淳翎; 朱怡璇; 曾涵郁; 

林秉寰; 李昀倢

Undergraduate Students:

吳昇紘; 陳薇安; 古瑋紅; 王映茹; 廖羿雯;

楊竣喬; 賴敏華; 魏君穎; 葉治賢; 許庭瑋;

施文茜; 劉維仁; 吳承之; 周新霖; 顧曼平;

盧心慈; 呂佾蓁; 蔡長廷; 羅裕鵬黃煦元

祝筱涵; 呂俊叡; 許里至黃庭芊; 武愛齡;

楊詠心; 謝佳軒; 張雅涵; 黃曼斐; 余品彧;

蘇玉如; 吳佳融; 高宜嘉; 魏健勳; 陳冠瑋; 

About the Lab

The overexpression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in cancer cells is essentially one of the most important mechanisms leading to chemotherapy resistance, serving as the first line of defense for cancer cells against drugs. This mechanism is the most direct and effective way to reduce intracellular drug concentrations in cancer cells. The overexpression and functioning of these ABC transporters directly contribute to the development of multidrug resistance in cancer cells. They also affect the absorption of oral drugs and the application of drugs that need to penetrate the central nervous system (e.g., antiepileptic drugs), while playing a role in protecting cancer stem cells.

In summary, addressing the issue of multidrug resistance caused by ABC transporters is the first step toward successful cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, in the future, screening for potential chemical structures and developing multifunctional inhibitors hold great clinical significance in treating drug-resistant cancer cells, enhancing drug penetration across the blood-brain barrier, and increasing drug sensitivity.

在癌細胞高度表達 ATP-binding cassette ( ABC ) transporters,基本上是使細胞對化療產生耐藥性 ,為其中非常重要的一個機制,也是癌細胞對抗藥物的第一道防線。這方式是降低癌細胞內的藥物濃度最直接也最有效的方法。 這些 ABC transporters 的大量表現與運作會直接使癌細胞產生多重抗藥性的現象,也影響口服藥物 (例如:紫杉醇 Paclitaxel ) 之吸收與必須進入中樞神經系統的藥物 (例如:癲癇藥物) 之應用,並扮演著保護癌幹細胞的角色。 總之,如何解決 ABC 藥物 transporter 所造成的多重抗藥性問題,將是邁向成功癌症化療的第一步。因此,在未來篩選出有潛力的化學結構與發展多功能抑制藥物,在治療抗藥性癌症細胞上、提高藥物穿過血腦屏障的滲透力與藥物敏感性上,都具有很大的臨床意義。  

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